We are currently holding meetings every Wed-Thurs-Fri at our new church called Life Centre Church. We are located at 319 Merritt St. St. Catharines, ON.
Come visit us on Sundays at
10 am and 6 pm.
God has done some wonderful things over the past year. Peter McDonald ministries is growing and expanding into new areas of ministry.
The Lord spoke this word to me, "There is more to life than just living." He also told me that the harvest was plentiful but there were so few harvesters. The lord gave me a vision to train up leaders for the End time harvest. Out of this vision came Life Centre ministries, Life Centre church, and Life Bible Training centre.
As fall draws near we will be making changes in many areas of our ministry. To include: creating up to date websites, starting a bible training centre, and to continue to travel and preach God's Word as He directs.